Galerie feature Catherine the Great’s Jewelry-Making Descendant Penned the Most Glamorous Family Scrapbook You’ll Ever Read. With ties to Greek, Danish, Italian, Belgian, and Yugoslav royalty, […]
Rapaport feature Jewelry designer Prince Dimitri of Yugoslavia shares tales of his regal relatives in a new book that focuses on the gems they cherished. When […]
Harpers Bazaar Buzz feature Figura das mais carismáticas da cena nova-iorquina, o Príncipe Dimitri da Iugoslávia lança este mês o livro Once Upon a Diamond: A […]
Dimitri de Yugoslavia revela los secretos de las joyas de la realeza: ‘La reina Letizia tiene muy buen gusto’ Emparentado con prácticamente todas las Familias Reales […]
A family tradition of royal jewels is brought to life in this glittering tome by Prince Dimitri of Yugoslavia His Royal Highness recounts the extraordinary jewellery […]